Sleep Deprivation

by Megan on January 14, 2013

Being that I am of child bearing age, and have several friends with toddlers, I know that complaining about lack of sleep due to a dog is kind of lame.  But, I am going to do it anyways.

When I was in middle/high school and attending sleepovers that involved staying up all night, my mom always said that I was bitchy the next day (she, of course, said it much more diplomatically) when my lack of sleep caught up with  me.  As an adult, it has just made me downright neurotic/borderline crazy.

Exhibit A:


That would be a baby monitor, which I bought for the sole purpose of being able to monitor Sherlock in his crate at night.  I found out the hard way that he likes to “woof” in his sleep and there have been a few nights that I accidentally woke him up thinking that he was barking because he needed to go outside. 

This experiment has also taught me that Gracie isn’t exactly the perfect angel that I thought she was.  This morning at 5:30AM I turned on the monitor to find the furry beast (Gracie) putting her snout up to his crate and waking him up. 

Exhibit B:


This was my tech guru husbands idea.  Turns out that he is crazy from lack of sleep as well.  We have dubbed this the “Sherlock Cam” and it is a wireless web cam that lets us login remotely from our iPhones and see what the dude is up to while we are away from the house.

85% of the time when I login to see what is going on back at home, he is slumbering peacefully.  The other 15% of the time?  He is howling bloody murder acting like someone is in our house torturing him with a fiery spear.  I have learned that it is better if I just don’t know what is going on when I am not at home.


The good news is that things seem to be trending upward.  The whining in the crate at night has gotten much better and Sherlock seems to be learning the rules of the house.  It probably helps that we have been taking him to Dogs at Play a few days a week to help burn off some of that puppy energy.


At the end of most days, Gracie looks like this.  I guess the two humans in the house aren’t the only one who are finding the new puppy exhausting.

{ 1 comment… read it below or add one }

sam February 2, 2013 at 6:56 pm

I was the main cause of the sleep-over-sleep-deprivation!!!!

Go me!!

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