“Our” House

by Megan on October 22, 2009

After a bunch of weeks of looking at houses (that for the most part totally sucked), we finally had a bit of luck and stumbled onto a really nice house in what seems like a great neighborhood.  After debating the pros and cons of the house for a very long time, we decided to make an offer.  This was when our lives totally started moving at warped speed and my head started spinning.  See, we were told that the average closing time on houses these days is about 45 days.  So, we totally thought that after we went “under contract” that we would have some time to let the idea of moving and having this new home marinate for awhile before moving ahead at full steam.  This has totally not been the case at all.  Within a week we were knee deep in home inspections, appraisals and re-negotiations.  Crazy.

Not to mention that there is this little soiree happening on November 6th that involves roughly 100 of our closest friends and family and requires that I get all dressed up in my wedding gear again.  So, yea, things have been crazy around here.  Not that it is any excuse for my blog absence – but, i’m really bad at making myself sit down and write a post.

At any rate, we just received the news that the final repairs on the house have been completed and tomorrow our inspector is going back for the re-inspection.  Assuming that everything checks out, it looks like we will (hopefully) be closing sometime towards the end of next week.  Yikes!


I am not going to lie – even though I have been super tired of condo living for quite awhile, I am pretty much terrified of owning this house.   Right after our offer was accepted I had a bit of a mini-freakout and ran around threatening to cancel our upcoming honeymoon because I was scared we shouldn’t be spending money on frivolous things like Caribbean vacations.   Aside from painting and putting some new carpet down, the place is pretty much move in ready.  There are things that we want to do eventually, like replace all of the ugly kitchen countertops – but, that is not a Day 1 thing.

Hopefully our Antiguan honeymoon is all that I have ever dreamed of – because I have a feeling that it might be our last “big” vacation for awhile.  We’ll see though – hopefully once we get all settled in I will be able to relax and enjoy the place.

{ 1 comment… read it below or add one }

Sam October 23, 2009 at 9:21 am

I will help you paint when i am home if you want! I like painting!

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