2011 Reflections

by Megan on December 31, 2011

Around this same time last year I wrote a post welcoming in 2011 and asking it to please not suck quite as bad as 2010 did.  Unfortunately, this year did not take it any easier on us as we lost Danny’s mom.

Rather than focusing on the negative – I am going to look back on some of the better memories of the past year:

We travelled all the way across the world to Australia – a place that I never in a million years would have ever expected to have the opportunity to visit (especially before retirement).


While Danny was working, I had the opportunity to do a 10 mile walkabout in Royal National Park.  It makes me sad that Danny did not get to experience this with me as it is easily in the top 5 most awesome experiences of my life.


Right after we got back from Australia, my birthday arrived and we celebrated it by spending a night downtown seeing one of my all time favorite singers play at The Soapbox.


The summer months came and my busy season at work kept me plenty busy

However, we still managed to find some time to have fun going out on our friends new boat


hanging out with our spoiled rotten dog


and hitting up a few football games once the season kicked off.


As the year began to wind down, we were blessed to spend 5 awesome days in Anguilla – which may, possibly, be my new favorite place in all of the world.


The day that we spent on a deserted island in the middle of the Caribbean will forever be my most cherished memory of the entire year.


So, while 2011 did have some heartbreaking moments – it also gave me a new perspective on life and what is important.  I think that we (as in my little family) did a pretty decent job of trying to embrace life and create some pretty awesome memories.

Peace out 2011 – even though you did manage to kick our ass some – we did have our moments of getting along alright. 

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