The Longest Week

by Megan on August 23, 2010

Danny’s father passed away last Tuesday evening. 

Without going into all of the details – about 5 months ago he was given a pretty grim diagnosis.  His condition had gotten worse over this past month and, even though we all knew that this time was coming, it happened a little bit sooner than expected.  Dealing with the death of a parent or loved one is never an easy thing (no matter if it is expected or not).

Danny was in California when his father was hospitalized.  He had wanted to cancel is trip, but, his father insisted that he go.  Thankfully, Danny was able to make it back on Friday and spend some time with his dad before he passed away.  He was laid to rest this past Friday morning and Danny gave a very moving tribute to his father that pretty much had everyone in attendance sobbing uncontrollably by the time it was over.

Danny said that someone at work told him today that dealing with a parents death never really got “easier” it just started to seem more “normal” after some time passes.  I think that probably sums it up perfectly. 



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