I am bad at this blogging thing. I keep meaning to sit down and update, but, then I get distracted and don’t. Yesterday I had to make a road trip to the middle (somtimes very rural) parts of NC to see some customers. I don’t really mind going out and seeing customers. I do, however, kind of dread spending the day riding around in the car with my dad listening to either bad talk radio or NPR. Some NPR I can handle, but, not an entire day of it. At least he forgot to pay the bill for his satellite radio, so, we couldn’t listen to “Willie’s Place.” That is what I get for forgetting my iPod I guess.
My friend Sam came into town yesterday. I hadn’t seen her in a LONG time and a bunch of us went out for dinner tonight. If I wasn’t such a lazy bum, I would have taken my camera and gotten some pictures. Oh well.
And with that, i’m off to hang out on the sofa for a few minutes before bed. Maybe i’ll have something more interesting to post over the weekend.