
by Megan on January 24, 2012

Let’s just all take a moment to appreciate the how ridiculous my outfit was today:


I went into work this morning and tried to cram as much stuff as possible into about a four hour window of time.  My mom kept reminding me that the doctor said I was really supposed to keep my ankle iced/elevated, and, so when it began throbbing around lunchtime I figured that it was time to head home. 

The second half of my day was spent laying on my couch watching hours of The Office via Netflix.


Not a bad way to spend a Tuesday afternoon – but, I have to say, this being immobile stuff kind of sucks. 


Gracie is still unimpressed by my injury. 


She tried using my immobility to her advantage while I was eating some popcorn.  When I asked her to fetch me a drink she just walked away.  How rude.

On the upside, the swelling has gone down a bit and I am hoping that will help speed the recovery process along some.  We have tickets to a concert on Friday evening and those plans are all up in the air now because of my accident.

Lazy days are nice, but so is being able to get downstairs without sliding down on your butt.  I am ready for this to heal so that I can get back to normal.

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