Damn Stairs

by Megan on January 23, 2012

Last night I had an unfortunate incident involving my left ankle and the stairs to my back porch. 


As I was taking Gracie outside before bed, I somehow managed to roll my ankle while coming down the stairs.  I heard a pretty disgusting crunching sound and that was followed by some pretty spectacular pain.

Sadly, this is not my first experience with ankle pain.  I have had some pretty bad luck when it comes to stairs.  In fact, I have turned/rolled/sprained my right ankle so many times that it actually aches whenever a storm is approaching.  This is the first experience having a bum left foot though.

I woke up this morning in a tremendous amount of pain and immediately decided to go to the doctor.  I hate going to the doctor (no offense to my friends in the medical profession) and try to avoid them at all costs.  Sometimes I even get so stressed out that I pass out while going in for an appointment.  But, I hate being in constant pain worse – so, off to the Ortho Walk-In Clinic I went.


The nice doctor told me that I have a bad sprain and possibly a slight break, but, it was hard to tell.  He prescribed 3 days of staying off my feet and keeping things elevated.  I spent some time at my parents house this afternoon (see above photo) and it felt like high school all over again with my mom tending to my every need while I was laid up in her recliner.

Eventually, I made my way home and decided to pop in a movie to kill some time before Danny got home from work.


I thoroughly enjoyed Crazy, Stupid, Love. I highly encourage any of my female friends to watch this movie based solely on the fact that Ryan Gosling takes his shirt off on it.  The plot was really good as well (but, holy crap, Ryan Gosling is hot).

Gracie spent the afternoon keeping me company. 


…I mentioned to her that maybe this would be a good time for her to become a bit more empathetic and start her service dog training…


…she did not seemed thrilled with that idea and decided to leave me alone and went to take a nap.  She is also currently lobbying for a trip to Dogs at Play tomorrow.

And now I am off to take some pain medicine.  And go lay around on my sofa more.  If I could get rid of this nasty pain, the whole being laid up for three days thing wouldn’t be so bad.

{ 1 comment… read it below or add one }

Lori Claffey January 28, 2012 at 10:33 am

Oh No! Hopefully by now your foot is feeling better! that sucks

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