Happy (belated) New Years!

by Megan on January 3, 2012

If the first day back to work after the holidays was any indication – 2012 is going to be a very hectic year.  I got a lot done today, but still have so much left to do to get 2011 closed out and 2012 moving forward smoothly.

At any rate – backing up to New Year’s Eve, we spent a low key evening ringing in the New Year over at our friends Carla and Iron Mark’s house.  Our contribution to the festivities was a (store bought) cookie cake.


Aside from K38 and Chicago deep dish pizza, cookie cake is probably Danny’s most favorite food in all of the world.  They Cookie Co. was closed for renovations over his birthday, so, when I asked him what he suggested we bring to the party, it took approximately .02 seconds before he blurted out, “COOKIE CAKE!”

We spent some time hanging out around the fire pit and chatting.


As a side note, when I was looking back through my pictures, I have now realized that the last three get-togethers that we have attended have all included a fire pit (each one was at a different house).  Perhaps 2011 was the year of the fire-pit? 

Eventually a pizza got ordered – we tracked it online (by the fire pit).


(Back in 1999 who would have ever thought that we would be ordering/tracking pizza online?  I am not so patiently waiting for hoverboards/flying cars/teleportation devices to become the norm.)

I can’t remember the last time that I actually went out for New Year’s Eve.  Judging from the fact that I have been shooting exclusively with digital cameras since 2005 and have no records of anything – it must have been 2004 or earlier.

NYE 2011_meganddan

Honestly? I don’t miss the excitement of going out on NYE at all.  Give me good friends, beer and pizza and I will take that any day over the craziness that is downtown on the biggest party holiday of the year.

We left the party at approximately 12:10AM on New Year’s Day.  What a bunch of party animals we are these days.  Happy New Year!

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