Lessons Learned

by Megan on December 12, 2011

Between decorating the house for the holidays, Christmas shopping and working on remodeling our kitchen (more on that later), the past few weeks have flown by.  I have had several life lessons tossed my way and I figured I would share them on the blog for posterity.

1.) When purchasing a new refrigerator, it is imperative to accurately measure both the width AND height of the appliance that you are planning to have delivered to your home.


2.) In the event that you do mess up and your new refrigerator gets stuck on a top cabinet – have a really great handyman in your address book who is willing to make a stop to fix your mistake.


3.) Have the delivery guys check the appliances they are delivering BEFORE they start removing old ones from your house.  Otherwise, you might wind up dishwasher-less for a week.


4.) Heated car seats make a cold morning commute way more bearable.  Steal your spouses car that has this option available whenever possible.


5.) Sweet Potato pancakes will always trump getting up early on a Saturday morning to hit the gym.


6.) Even though you may be older and wiser –sometimes you still suck just as bad at crafts as you did when you were in elementary school.


(picture stolen from Facebook)

7.) Christmas decorations make your home feel 100% more cozy than before.


{ 1 comment… read it below or add one }

sam December 19, 2011 at 11:31 am

Please post moar stuff….I am bored at work.


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