No Words

by Megan on August 4, 2011

Late Saturday evening we lost Danny’s mom.


As I have mentioned a few times on the blog, she had been in and out of the hospital since early March.  Early in July she went back to the hospital and her illnesses finally got the best of her.


My mother in law was one of the most genuinely sweet people that I have ever known.  She treated everyone as if they were a long lost friend and never met a stranger.

I hate that Danny and his sister are going through this again.  It was not even a year ago that they lost their father and it just sucks that the last 6 months have been so hard for them.


In the eulogy that Danny gave today, he mentioned that the best way that anyone could honor his mother’s memory was to try and treat everyone with same gentle kindness that she did. 

Personally, I cannot think of a better way to honor my mother in law’s memory.  RIP sweet lady, you will be missed.

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